Curriculum vitae
Below is my essential CV. There are separate pages with a short biography, contact data, and a list of grants and awards. Further information is on my personal page.
Research and Education
- Since July 2016: Professor for Knowledge-Based Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden
- November 2013–June 2016: Research group leader at the Faculty of Computer Science of TU Dresden, funded in the DFG Emmy Noether program
- July 2013–October 2013: Departmental lecturer at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford (formerly Oxford University Computing Laboratory)
- July 2010–Jun 2013: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford
- Mar 2010–Jun 2010: Postdoctoral researcher at AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Feb 2010: Ph.D. (Dr. rer. pol.), summa cum laude, dissertation Description Logic Rules
- Mar 2005–Feb 2010: PhD student and research assistant in Prof. Rudi Studer's group at Institute AIFB of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT (formerly Karlsruhe University)
- Feb 2005: Master of Science in Computational Logic, degree 1.0 (supervised by Dr. habil. Pascal Hitzler TUD, Prof. Steffen Hölldobler TUD, Prof. Guo-Qiang Zhang CWRU)
- Jun–Aug 2004: visit at CWRU Cleveland
- 2003–2005: Study of Computational Logic at the ICCL of TU Dresden
- 2000–2003: Study of Computer Science at Technische Universität Dresden
- 1999: Abitur, Grade 1.1 (with distinction)
- 1991–1999: High school Goethe Gymnasium Auerbach
Jobs and civil service
- 2002–2003: student assistant in Prof. Michael Thielscher's Computational Logic Group, topic area cognitive robotics
- 2001–2005: various occupations as student tutor for courses Logic I and Logic II at TU Dresden
- 2001–2002: software developer at Signsoft GmbH, Dresden (3D visualisation, OO API development)
- 1999–2000: Civil service at hospital Vogtlandklinikum Rodewisch