Nominal Schemas for Integrating Rules and Description Logics


Markus Krötzsch, Frederick Maier, Adila A. Krisnadhi, Pascal Hitzler

Nominal Schemas for Integrating Rules and Ontologies

Abstract. We propose an extension of SROIQ with nominal schemas which can be used like "variable nominal concepts" within axioms. This feature allows us to express arbitrary DL-safe rules in description logic syntax. We show that adding nominal schemas to SROIQ does not increase its worst-case reasoning complexity, and we identify a family of tractable DLs SROELVn that allow for restricted use of nominal schemas.

Published at DL2011 (Workshop paper)

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This is a condensed version of the conference paper A Better Uncle For OWL:Nominal Schemas for Integrating Rules and Ontologies that appeared at WWW 2011.


Description logics, Rule languages